It's a bittersweet day today. My little Quentin is turning six. You might think the bittersweet part is that my baby is getting older. He is growing up and needing me less and less each day. When he is at school I am all alone at home. Yes, all those things are true, but the sad news of the day is........
he threw up this morning.
Some kids might be excited about getting to stay home on their birthday, but not Tinny. He has been excited to go to school on his birthday for weeks! He has changed his mind about his birthday treat like ten times.
So he'll just have to postpone all that until tomorrow. I have a sneaking suspicion that he is actually not sick, but just so excited about today that he made himself sick. :( so sad.
Anyway, here are the snapshots we selected for his school birthday poster. You get the digital version.
Tinny with his Oxygen hood, early December 2005. He was HUGE! I'm still
wearing a gown, so I'm guessing he was a day old.
Still in ICU, but after they took him out from the hood.
Christmas morning 2005.
Broken Leg. Halloween 2008 in Denver Colorado.
Denver Zoo. November 2008 right before we moved back to Utah.
End of November 2008. Christmas Card Picture. Quentin was turning three.
Dip'n Dots at some Utah sporting event. Dip'n Dots are the only reason Tinny agrees to go.
Lake Powell summer 2009.
Hanging out at the cousins in San Diego (one of his favorite things to do).
Lake Powell summer 2010.
Tinny L O V E S the snow.
First Day of School, fall 2011.
Spending time with his big bro Cameron.
His cousin and his buddy Nickle Pickle.
The whole family in April 2011 at Lucy's Cheer Competition.
Happy Happy Birthday Tinny!
I love you more each day.
I love you more each day.