(Pottery Barn Teen)
I love kids rooms! I love that the sky is the limit! I love that you can stick with a theme! (Kids rooms are also the only places in my house where I will ever actually allow a theme). I love that the kids have a small place in the world they can really call their own. And I love knowing that I am creating a place where my children will spend their formative years growing, sleeping, laughing, and learning.
Designing the kids rooms is a bit of a challenge since I have to make all the design decisions like paint and lighting right now while still in the construction phase. To make those decisions easier, I am using fabric as the jumping off point. I figure if I have the fabric picked out first, I can coordinate colors and patterns from there, even if I don't quite yet know in what application I will be using them.
(All professional images from Pottery Barn).
This is the beginning of Cameron's room. He is a really cool guy, that is going to be a teenager before we know it. He picked the base color, and I added the racing stripes for a bit of interest. I would love to add a cool storage system like this one below from Pottery Barn Teen.

Lucy wanted a "pink" room, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't boring, or cliche. I chose a pink that is a bit of a chameleon, it looks pink, peach, tan, rose....I love it! I would like to do a graphic wall paper on one wall, and I would love to get her a vanity like this one. I can just imagine her putting on lip gloss and playing with her friends there for hours.

Quentin's room concept is actually the most put together. I purchased the wild west fabric I am going to be using months ago. He also already has his navy blue bunk bed and furniture set. I can't wait to add all the details. The image below is just the way I would like his room to feel when its all finished.