Tuesday, August 27, 2013

School Bells Ring

So because of the way the district planned the calendar this year, our summer really actually is shorter than usual, but honestly, it feels like we didn't have a summer break at all!  I don't even feel out of practice for making lunches, tripping over backpacks, and pushing aside the papers that start piling up on my kitchen counter.

A little first morning hot breakfast!

 And Lucy in spongy rollers....

 It is more quiet during the day, and the past two days I have already found it MUCH easier to get my work done.  So I guess school starting isn't all bad.  My two elementary-ers looked adorable on our walk to the "First Day Flag Ceremony".

  And I am SOOOO proud of Cameron.  He looks great in his new Vice President Sweater.  

I put up a few "Back to School" items on the mantel.  

I am working on a back to school bunting....more on that to come.

Before we know it, Halloween will be here!

1 comment:

  1. hooray for cameron and for your new post and your back to school decor!! i'm just hoping that i can get christmas up this year.. sheeeesh!



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