I cried most of the way through preschool graduation.

This is sort of how it went, "Days of the Week" (snap snap) "Days of the week" (snap snap)....loud sniffling sounds from me. I am not really accepting the growing up of my children very gracefully. This year is especially hard. I have Cameron who has four days left of elementary school, and then will be in Junior High, and Tinny, who is finishing preschool and starting full time school in the fall. At least Lucy is in a non-milestone year.

I must be overly sentimental, because truthfully this is causing me to have a breakdown of sorts. Bryan insists that I will still like my children even when they are older......we'll see.

I'm just really going to miss the little children phase, and I can't believe it's over. It's making me tear up right now just typing these words. How did this happen so quickly? I feel like I laid down to take a nap and when I woke up they were big.

On a lighter note, Tinny was the star of the graduation program. During one song in the program their teacher, Miss Tammy, prompted them to "sing louder".

After the song, Tinny turned to Stella on his left and said loudly, "Really...did you have to yell?" To which the audience erupted in laughter. That was all the encouragement he needed, and he hammed up the rest of the program. I motioned to him to stop, but he didn't, and truthfully I didn't want him to stop. There's always got to be at least one kid to make the program interesting.

So, I have the summer now to cherish every last drop of fun, before I take Tinny to kindergarten, and the elementary school police may have to forcibly ask me to leave. And then I'll drop off Cameron at Jr. High, where I'll try to hug him, and he'll pretend he doesn't know me. Good Times.

All of the above is what makes you a great mommy!! It is a rough, rough job but so worth it. I wish we could freeze frame certain ages!!